October Reading Wrap Up

Posted November 2, 2022 by WendyW in Blogging, Bloglinks / 39 Comments

I had a great month of reading in October, probably my biggest month yet! I’ll be traveling quite a bit November and December, so I wanted to get ahead.

What did I read in October?

Books Read: 23

Audiobooks Listened: 8

Total Read: 31

Pages Read: 10,225

Books Read:

Audiobooks I listened to in October

October Reviews!

I reviewed 28 books in August

Five Pinecone Reviews = 5

Four and a half Pinecone Reviews = 16

Four Pinecone Reviews = 7

(Click on Covers below to go to my review)

My Challenges:

I’m doing pretty well on my book challenges.

Goodreads 2022 Reading Challenge: With only one book to go… I think I’ve got this one!

2022 Audiobook Challenge: I’m at 25 out of 30 books, but I’ve listened to 5 more that I haven’t posted yet, so it’s just a matter of writing the reviews and posting them before the end of the year.

audiobook challenge 2022
Click the image to go to the Challenge

2022 NonFiction Reader Challenge. I’m at 3 out of 6, but I’ve listened to 3 nonfiction audiobooks in the last week that will count toward this challenge and the Audiobook Challenge ⬆️. So, once again, it’s just a matter of writing reviews and posting them before the end of the year.

Click the image to go to the Challenge

20 Books of Summer Challenge. I completed this one. ✅

Click the image to go to the Challenge

The 12 Books of Christmas Challenge. I’m at 10 out of 12 for this challenge, but I have 3 Christmas books that I have read, but haven’t posted the reviews yet.

Click the image to go to the Challenge

I feel pretty good about my 2022 challenges. How are your challenges going this year?

Have you read any of these books? What books did you read in October?

39 responses to “October Reading Wrap Up

  1. It looks like you had a fantastic October! I’m so glad you read so many books and that most of them were books you loved! 😀 Good luck in November!

  2. What a great reading month! I think I managed 14 books which is slightly higher than normal for me. I’m reading It Starts With Us right now and am enjoying it so much. Glad to see it was one of your favorites!

  3. Wow! That is an amazing reading month! Nice job! I love that you even got a head start on the cozy Christmas books. I have a few on my list. Have fun with your travels, and congrats on crushing your Goodreads goal.

  4. Wow! 31 books for October? That’s awesome! You’re nailing your challenges as well. I only signed up for one besides my yearly Goodreads challenge and that was Kimberly’s audio book challenge. I’m at 79 and I need to get to 100. Hopefully I’ll make it! I’ve almost made my GRs challenge at 118/125. Although, I did lower that from 150 to 125 because with the move there was just no way. Good luck!

  5. Well done! I am always amazed at the number of books some people can read in a day, a week, or month. I’m doing well if I read four in one month and that’s pushing it. Lol. 🙂

  6. You certainly had a great month of reading. How nice that you had a space in there to get ahead in preparation for a busy November and December.

  7. Wow, that’s awesome Wendy!!! 31 is amazing! I have no idea how many I read in October, I haven’t done this post yet. I do know I read some books for my challenges…we’ll see what it looks like 😉

  8. Joanna @ TheGeekishBrunette

    You had a wonderful month! I am looking forward to starting the audio for The Stand-up comedian.

  9. Okay but like… i love how you read so many Christmas books! I was in a huge Christmas reading mood toward the end of October so I’m happy I’m not the only one! hehe.

    Fantastic reading month! I’m jealous. I need to get back into reading 🙁