Top Ten Tuesday! Books Set In Schools

Posted August 30, 2022 by WendyW in Blogging, Bloglinks, Book Blog Meme, bookblogger / 60 Comments

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish and is now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Each week a new theme is suggested for bloggers to participate in. Create your own Top Ten list that fits that topic – putting your unique spin on it if you want. Everyone is welcome to join but please link back to The Artsy Reader Girl in your own Top Ten Tuesday post.

Today’s Top 10: Books Set In Schools

Today’s topic is a school freebie, so I decided to do Top Ten Books Set In a School.

1. Accomplished by Amanda Quain is set in a boarding school.

2. I Kissed Shara Wheeler by Casey McQuiston is set in a High School.

3. Addicted To You by Krista and Becca Ritchie is set at the University of Pennsylvania.

4. Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus is set in a California University.

5. See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon is set at the University of Washington.

6. Being Mary Bennet is set in a boarding school.

7. Welcome to the School By the Sea by Jenny Colgan is set in a British Boarding school.

8. Sophie Go’s Lonely Hearts Club by Roselle Lim starts as Sophie flunks out of matchmaking school in Singapore.

9. In Every Generation by Kendare Blake, the new generation of slayers are going to high school in the re-built school in Sunnydale.

10. A Brush With Love by Mazey Eddings is set in a Dental School about dental students.

What other books are set in schools? Comment below!

60 responses to “Top Ten Tuesday! Books Set In Schools

  1. I tend to avoid most books set in schools for whatever reason but I see several on your list I want to try – especially Lessons in Chemistry.

  2. Great list!
    I’m thinking of Never Let me Go, awesome book by Ishiguro, set in a very special school. For a long time, you have no idea what’s going on in that school, it’s neat when you slowly realize.
    By the way, I keep forgetting to tell you how much I love your theme, and the pine cones for ratings is such a great idea

  3. Thanks for visiting!! I have a few of your books on my TBR already and adding the rest now.. Have been seeing Lessons in Chemistry everywhere (or it seems like that :))

  4. School settings are some of my favorites! 😀 Lot of these books are on my TBR. Looks like I need to move them up the list. Thanks for stopping by my TTT!

  5. In Every Generation looks fun. So does that first one and Lessons in Chemistry (love that cover too). Fun list!

  6. Surprised to see Every Generation on this list; it doesn’t look like your usual read. Even though I’m not familiar with the others, the Jenny Colgan one looks interesting – I’ve read others by her so will give this one a try.
    But, sheesh, there are so many new-to-me books this week; my TBR is popping its seams!
    Terrie @ Bookshelf Journeys

  7. Joanna @ TheGeekishBrunette

    Great list! I haven’t read any of these but I have my eye on a couple.

  8. #3! I never would have thought to add that one because school is the last thing I think about when I think about that book, but you’re so right! Also, I loved #10 and the dental school setting. So unique! Nice list!

    • Thank you, Deanna. I had just read Addicted to you, so it was fresh in my mind, otherwise, I probably would have forgotten they were going to college.

  9. The only book I can think of off the top of my head that is set in a school (and only part of the time), is Twilight. Other than that, I am drawing a blank. Fun list!

  10. I’ve read a few school related books – the one that springs to mind is Cat Among the Pigeons by Agatha Christie – but none on your list. I quite fancy the Jenny Colgan though…

  11. Rosie

    Happy Potter! I find I compare so many other fantasy books with this series when they are set in schools.