Tag: The Liz Taylor Ring

Can’t Wait Wednesday #26..

Posted December 15, 2021 by WendyW in Blogging, Bloglinks, Book Blog Meme / 20 Comments
Can’t Wait Wednesday #26:  The Siren of Sussex by Mimi Matthews

Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally, they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Synopsis: Victorian high society’s most daring equestrienne finds love […]

Can’t Wait Wednesday #25..

Posted December 8, 2021 by WendyW in Blogging, Bloglinks, Book Blog Meme / 15 Comments
Can’t Wait Wednesday #25:  The Liz Taylor Ring by Brenda Janowitz

Can’t Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Wishful Endings, to spotlight and discuss the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally, they’re books that have yet to be released. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. Synopsis: Three siblings. A priceless family ring. One legendary love story. […]