** I am no longer able to accept review requests as my review schedule is full until the foreseeable future. **
Thank You very much for considering The Bashful Bookworm to review your book. My review policy is listed below.
Please do feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions, but DO NOT directly email me an ebook file. I will not read it, and emailing it to me does not grant it a review.
Genres I Really like:
Romance, especially contemporary
Literary Fiction
Womens Fiction
Genres I’m NOT interested in Reviewing:
Mystery and detective type novels
Graphic Novels
Children’s books
Science fiction,
Graphic novels,
YA titles,
Poetry collections.
EPUB and PDF files.
I will accept the following:
Trade Paperback
Paperback Review Copies
All books sent to me will either be kept for myself or offered as a giveaway on my Blog (with the author’s agreement).
I will always give my honest opinion when writing a review. I will however point out the parts of the book I like, and the parts I don’t like for every book I review. I will review all books I accept. When the book is provided for me I will make sure to notify the readers who provided me with the book and that it in no way affects my review given.
5 stars = I loved this book and would definitely purchase for myself so I can re-read it.
4 stars ⭐⭐ It was really good.
3 stars = A good solid book
2 stars = A few issues that I can’t overcome
1 star = I really really didn’t like it.
I try to put out reviews in the order I receive the books, although I will try to give priority to books about to be released. Generally, I will try to keep review times to 1 – 2 months from receipt of the book. If you have a specific deadline please include it in the inquiry and I will be honest with you regarding the possibility. Requests: Feel free to send me requests/questions to the email address below. Put e-mail subject as BOOK REVIEW REQUEST, so that I know what you’re inquiring about.