Happy Veterans Day!

Posted November 11, 2021 by WendyW in Blogging / 23 Comments

Happy Veterans Day to all Veterans and Veteran Families out there!

For Veterans Day, I’ll tell a little story about a couple of veterans I know pretty well.

In 1980 when I first enlisted.
Just before my husband retired
in 2013 (the dog Nessie is still with us!)

My husband and I met in the Air Force in South Dakota. I served in the Air Force for 20 years, and he served for 28 years in the Air Force.

Where were we stationed?

Northern California – Travis AFB. 1980 – 1981

United Kingdom – East Anglia – RAF Mildenhall 1981-1984

South Dakota – Ellsworth AFB – 1984 -1994 – This is where I met my husband.

South Korea – Osan AB (Just outside of Seoul) – 1995 – 1996

Idaho – Mountain Home AFB 1996- 2001 – Near Boise- This is where we adopted our children and I retired after 20 years.

Japan – Northern Japan – Misawa AB – 2001-2003 – We left for Japan on September 11, 2001, and were airborne during the attacks.

United Kingdom – East Anglia – RAF Lakenheath 2004 – 2008

Nevada – Las Vegas – Nellis AFB – 2008 – 2010

Illinois – Just outside of St. Louis, MO – Scott AFB 2010 – 2013

Now we live as retirees in Flagstaff, Arizona.

What did we do?

My husband and I were aircraft mechanics (electricians) and eventually moved up into aircraft management and supervision. Here are a few photos of some of the aircraft we worked on during our time in the Air Force.

C-5A – The largest cargo aircraft in the US.
B-1B Bomber is also named The Lancer.
F-16 fighter Jets.

My thoughts:

We had a wonderful time in the military and I loved raising my family all over the world. We have great friends in almost every state and several that are still overseas. We’ve traveled to so many places and are so fortunate to have had such an interesting life. But, it’s also a tough life in so many ways, but very rewarding.

Once Again Happy Veterans Day to all Veterans, families of veterans, and those still serving.

23 responses to “Happy Veterans Day!

  1. Kaceey

    Thank you (and your husband) for your service Wendy! Hope you had a memorable Veterans Day. My husband is also a veteran (Aviation Navy). 🇺🇸

  2. Wow, you’ve lived all over the place! I’m sure you have a lot of interesting stories! What an exciting career and fun that you two met while serving. Thanks for doing such an honorable job! 🙂

  3. Happy Veterans Day! And thank you for your and your husband’s service❤️. My uncle was a an officer in the Air Force from around 1970 until he retired. He was a Colonel and a Navigator. I got to visit him in some fun places.

  4. Many thanks to you and your husband for your service! My brother-in-law is a Naval officer, so I’ve heard a lot from my sister over the years about the ups and downs of military life. It’s definitely not always easy, especially for the kids. I’m glad it was a great experience for your family overall. Happy Veteran’s Day!


  5. Thank you for your service!

    Both of my parents served in the military as well. My mom was in the Navy, and my dad was in the Army. In a way, the military is my family business, as there are several veterans throughout our family tree as far back as at least the Civil War.