Sunday Post #61

Posted October 16, 2022 by WendyW in Blogging, Book Blog Meme, bookblogger / 54 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at the @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See the rules here: Sunday Post Meme

What I’ve been up to:

Another quiet week at home. I got some good reading in and am enjoying the cooler weather. No more turkey drama this week. I believe they may have learned their lesson and are staying inside their yard. The dogs are enjoying the cooler weather, especially the husky, Balto, who enjoys spending the cool evenings outside.

Last week I read:

I read a lot again this week. My Oxford Year and Meredith, Alone were both very emotional reads that I loved. The Banned Bookshop of Maggie Banks and Better Than Fiction were both better than I expected. Beneath His Silence was a wonderful atmospheric gothic romance, and When Franny Stands Up was a very different and unusual book that I was not expecting, but I did love it. Once Upon a Christmas was exactly what I expected and very enjoyable.

Next week I hope to get to:

On the Blog Last Week:

Monday: Book Review: That Summer in Berlin by Lecia Cornwall
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday
Tuesday: Book Review: Before I Do by Sophie Cousens
Wednesday: Book Tour and Book Review: The Belle of Belgrave Square by Mimi Matthews
Thursday: Book Tour and Book Review: Happy Endings at Mermaids Point by Sarah Bennett
Friday: Book Review: The High Notes by Danielle Steel
Saturday: Stacking the Shelves
Sunday: The Sunday Post.
Sunday: Book Review: One Last Gift by Emily Stone

On the Blog Next Week:

Monday: Book Review: The Christmas Spirit by Debbie Macomber
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday
Wednesday: Can’t Wait Wednesday
Thursday: Book Review: The Christmas Cupid by Jennifer Joyce
Friday: Book Review: Built to Last by Erin Hahn
Saturday: Stacking the Shelves
Sunday: The Sunday Post

Have you read any of these books? What are you hoping to read this next week? What have you been up to last week? Comment below!

54 responses to “Sunday Post #61

  1. Looks like lots of good reading last week! And more to come this week. I’ll be looking forward to your thoughts on the Olivia Dade book. I read the first in that companion series but need to get caught up.

  2. I had a quiet week too, which meant lots of time to play with my offspring’s cats. Looks like a very good reading week for you. I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned yet, but I’ll be reading Better than Fiction and Ship Wrecked in the next week or two. Have a wonderful week and happy reading!

  3. I’m glad the turkeys are calm this week. I really enjoyed My Oxford Year. I didn’t know about it until I went to Book Bonanza in 2019 and met Julia Whelan. I went right ahead and read it. I loved it. I think narrators can possibly write amazing stories as they have read many and have experience with infusing emotion into them. Karen White is doing that, and Andi Arndt wrote a fun book I loved also. Erin Mallon is writing some too.

    • It makes sense that narrators can write a good book. I’ve only read books by Julie Whelan, but would like to try those other narrators.

  4. I’m glad the turkeys are staying put now lol. You had a great reading week, Beneath His Silence looks good. I have a review set for this Wednesday for a book tour and am finishing up a Stephen King read at the moment. Enjoy your week! I’m off to read some of your reviews.

  5. After two busy weeks, I’m ready for a quiet one and plan on getting some things done this week. Before it all starts again next week, lol. Glad the turkey drama has settled down, Wendy!

  6. I enjoy quiet weeks! I wish I had one. One more week and things should (hopefully) quiet down a little around here. I have my eye on that Carolyn Brown. Lol about the turkeys. 🙂

  7. Wow, you got in so much reading, that’s wonderful! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on all of your reads this week.
    Happy to hear Balto is enjoying the weather!
    Have a wonderful week ahead!

  8. It’s so nice when the weather starts to cool down, isn’t? I’m glad your dogs are enjoying themselves. I’m glad you didn’t have any turkey drama. Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Thanks for warning about Meredith, Alone Wendy! I will be listening to this one next week and will have the tissues ready. Another fabulous reading week! I hope your week ahead is wonderful!

  10. Sounds a great reading week Wendy. Glad the turkeys are behaving themselves for now. My first dog loved cool weather too. In fact he enjoyed prancing about in the snow! Have a lovely week ahead!