Sunday Post #43

Posted May 22, 2022 by WendyW in Blogging, Book Blog Meme, bookblogger / 49 Comments

sunday post

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted at the @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. See the rules here: Sunday Post Meme

What I’ve been up to:

I had another quiet week and read a LOT! I’m trying to get caught up and a bit ahead of my reviews as I’ll be on vacation later next month.

We all got our second COVID boosters and no side effects at all.

I’ve been finishing up our summer plans to drive up to Canada and visit a couple of their National Parks, Banff National Park, and Jasper National Park both in Alberta, Canada. We plan to leave late next month and spend 45 days traveling up and back with our little trailer.

Last week I read:

I had a great week of reading. I haven’t read this much in one week in a long time. All these were excellent! My favorites were Out of the Clear Blue Sky by Kristan Higgins, and See you Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon.

Next week I hope to get to:

What I watched:

I finally watched News of the World! I’ve wanted to watch it for a while now, but never got to it. I enjoyed it very much!!

On the Blog Last Week:

Monday: Book Review: Bloomsbury Girls by Natalie Jenner
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday
Wednesday: Can’t Wait Wednesday
Wednesday: Book Review: The Spanish Garden by Cherry Radford
Thursday: Book Review: Adult Assembly Required by Abbie Waxman
Friday: Book Review: The Emma Project by Sonali Dev
Saturday: Stacking the Shelves
Sunday: The Sunday Post
Sunday: 20 Books of Summer Challenge

On the Blog Next Week:

Monday: The Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award
Monday: Book Review: See You Yesterday by Rachel Lynn Solomon
Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday
Wednesday: Book Review: Strangers in Paradise by Barbara Dunlop
Wednesday: Can’t Wait Wednesday
Thursday: Book Review: Flirting with Fifty by Jane Porter
Friday: Book Review: Buried in a Good Book by Tamara Berry
Saturday: Stacking the Shelves
Sunday: The Sunday Post.

Have you read any of these books? What are you hoping to read this next week? What have you been up to last week? Comment below!

49 responses to “Sunday Post #43

  1. Yay for a quiet week! I’m glad to hear you didn’t have many issues with your 2nd booster. I had way less side effects with my first booster than I did with my 2nd vaccine so I’m hoping mine will go easily as well. I hope you are having a wonderful week!

  2. A road trip to Banff and Lake Louise sounds like a great way to spend the summer! Both places are on my bucket list. Enjoy your reading! Good luck with getting posts prepped and scheduled ahead of time.

  3. We visited Banff right before the pandemic shut everything down, and the views were gorgeous. We also visited Lake Louise and it was just as stunning. Happy Reading this week, Wendy!

  4. Wow Wendy you had an amazing week! Your upcoming trip sounds amazing – I loved visiting this area. I hope you have a wonderful week!

  5. Congratulations on having no side effects for your second Covid boosters! I’ve had three covid shots and had some temporary side effects with all of them. But the booster was a better experience for sure, and I’m grateful to have the opportunity to be vaccinated. 🙂

    May you have a wonderful time in Canada. I’ve never been to Alberta, but I’ve heard it’s a beautiful place.

  6. I’m looking forward to Out of the Clear Blue Sky and See You Yesterday so I’m happy to hear they were both hits. I’ll also be reading Strangers in Paradise. I’ve been enjoying that series. Your vacation sounds amazing! I’ve loved the places in Canada I’ve visited. So pretty. I hope you share some photos on the blog.

  7. I have visited both Banff and Jasper a couple of times and loved it. They are so beautiful. You had a great reading week, Wendy. I am trying to read One Night With You, but it is not grabbing me at all. I was declined for the Kristan Higgins books, so will wait until it is released, but I will read it. Have a great week.

    • One Night With You was good, but it sure was a bit slow in the middle. But, the Kristan Higgins book was very good. I can’t wait to go to Banff and Jasper!! I was in Banff many, many years ago, but only for a quick visit, so I’m excited to see it again and spend some time there.

  8. Going to national parks in Canada sounds like a great summer vacation. I can’t wait to see the pictures in afterward. Hope you have another great week.

  9. You are smart to get ahead while you can. Traveling is wonderful, but it does change your routine. I hope you enjoy your trip. It sounds like fun.

  10. Yay for reading and Covid boosters. We did a 21 day or so trip from Minneapolis to Winnipeg, to Saskatoon to Alberta to Kamloops to Vancouver to Seattle to Portland to Salt Lake City to somewhere Nebraska to home. We stayed mostly in hostels and had a great time. We did stay on the college campus in Alberta which worked well too. You’re going to a beautiful area – have a great trip! I want to read that Kristan Higgins book but can’t seem to fit it in.

    Anne – Books of My Heart This is my Sunday Post

  11. Kim

    I haven’t read any of the books you mentioned but the covers are certainly enticing.
    Glad to hear you didn’t get any side effects from your 2nd Jab. Plus, that planned trip up to the Canadian National parks sounds fantastic, Wendy.

  12. Your trip sounds awesome! And yay for no side effects from the boosters…

    News of the World looks good! I went over to take a look and I liked Paul Greengrass’ work on the Bourne movies so maybe I should try this.

    • News of the World was a bit slow at the start, but the story is so good, and it really picked up after a bit. I hope you enjoy it.

  13. My husband and I want to go to Banff this summer too. It all depends on how quickly our place sells, though. We’re in a little bit of Limbo. I hope you have a fun planning and going once you do go. I look forward to reading all your reviews from all the books you’re reading. I need to catch up on reading blog posts from this past week, though. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    • Thank you, Jenni! I’ve moved very often during my lifetime and I’m very familiar with the feeling of Limbo. I hope your place sells soon!

    • I’ve been wanting to take a long trip like this since I retired two years ago, but COVID hit, so now I’m finally able to go!

  14. The trip to Canada sound amazing! So glad you had a great reading week! Hope that your next week is great too.

  15. Jenny+McClinton

    A really great reading week, hope you have a great week this week too 💕

  16. I’m impressed by how much you read last week. Out of the Clear Blue Sky sounds wonderful. I look forward to reading your review.

    • Thank you, Cathy. This was an especially good week for me for reading. I don’t normally read this much.